Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Check, Please!

We love seeing pics of payout checks, so if you have one, upload it!

Monday, February 26, 2007

Know your History

We've added History to the top right corner of the page. This is an easy way to keep track of what you've last viewed. We also have History based on Last Commented and Last Rated available - Just click on the You tab.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Video tutorials

We've posted some video tutorials. Check them out, you may learn something!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

New private uploads and more

Hurrah for private uploads! Now you can upload movies, pictures and music and share them ONLY with your friends and family. You can even receive private video and audio messages from anywhere with your own FileSucker widget. Learn more about private uploads..

Browse Spymac from work? We've made some changes to force uploaders to pay more attention to whether or not their content should be blocked from public view, which means safer browsing for you and your children.

We've also made some smaller changes throughout the site - like profile pictures being shown next to your uploads. Anyway, enjoy and stay tuned for more.

You're buying!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Welcome Canada!!

Wow, we're being flooded with tens of thousands of Canadians right now. Welcome to Spymac! It would be nice to know where you're all coming from, though. Did you see something on TV or in the paper? Send us an email and let us know how you found out about us!

Spymac on TV in Germany

Television viewers in Germany: keep your eyes open for a news story featuring Spymac in the coming week. Filming with Spymac member Jafeth took place today! It will be aired on the popular RTL and RTL II networks.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Learn to play the guitar

Argentine member marcosfarhat has posted some of his free guitar lessons to the site. Learn to play classics from The Beatles, Guns N' Roses, Nirvana and more with these easy to follow videos.

Say what?

It seems journalist Nick Booth is getting a lot of attention both here and there for a phone conversation he uploaded of a former client who refused to fade away quietly.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Snow day

Spymac, like the rest of the internet, is a great place to find out more about what's going on in other areas of the world. mlgacc is one of the members who shares recent weather-related images with us, posting a few pictures from the results from the snow storm that blanketed his area last night.

How much snow is there where you live?

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Cute and cuddly

Countless kinds of animals are part of krlosandres's extensive collection of images called Planeta Tierra. Nice collection!

Skilled members

harmonica shows off his musical talent in Young at Heart, one of the many songs that he uploaded today. See his harmonica skills in action in this short video clip.

Another interesting video upload from today was from Anuttama. In her latest video clip, she tells us how we synchronize our Valentine's Day with today's celestial energies in her most recent astro forecast.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Argentina, meet Spymac

We are getting tons of new members from Argentina today -- Welcome to Spymac!

Spinning spy

Wetpixels has created and uploaded this great new 3D image of the Spymac head. Click on the embedded image and then view it in full-size in order to see it spinning in all its wonder!

Friday, February 9, 2007

Winner announced in Coolest Collection Contest

It was tough decision since there were so many great entries, but after much deliberation, we managed to pick a winner. iKitKat is the lucky member who will receive either Lego Star Wars from entertainment publisher Aspyr OR iPod: The Missing Manual from O'Reilly.

Congratulations iKitKat and thanks to all who entered!

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Underlining issues

We've removed underlined blue links from Leapfrog for the most part. They are now mainly used to show you your location. We like this change!

Scheduled downtime early tomorrow

We'll be working on the site and have to take it down for one hour 9AM - 10AM GMT on Feb 8th (the middle of the night in North America). So plan to do other stuff during this time!

Take your videos with you

We've added direct links on embedded videos to let viewers download the file in iPod and PSP format. Here's a popular video from Liam Sullivan to demonstrate the new feature.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

First checks starting to arrive...

PixelMania: Valentine's Day card contest

Valentine's Day is just around the corner and Spymac's latest contest is asking members to create a Spymac-themed Valentine's Day card.

The winner of the contest will be able to select their choice of T-shirt from Insanely Great Tees.

Details on the contest can be found in the video.

Monday, February 5, 2007

We're only human... or... What doesn't kill you can only make you stronger

Mondays are usually really exciting for us. They're usually super busy, we get a lot done and we look forward to all that we're going to accomplish in the week ahead. This Monday sucked! We ran into some major unexpected technical problems and spent the day fixing them up. It was very stressful but we're almost nearly completely back online and running now. There are still a few comments missing on some profiles, for example, but hopefully we can restore everything tomorrow.

Featured Collections

Spymac showcases a Collection each Tuesday in its Collection of the Week.

Group together your favourite uploads, create a group of your favourite people or make music playlists of your audio uploads using Collections.

The first three featured Collections were Spymac Desktops, Apple Tattoos and Horses. Check back every Tuesday for a new Collection of the Week.

Triple The Traffic

Welcome to all the new eyeballs! Traffic levels are now more than triple of what they were last Sunday.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

The check is in the mail

By now many of you should have received your first checks in the mail! Congratuations to everyone. If you won money, make sure to request a check. Here’s a picture of members of the Spymac team standing around the checks doing something funny with their thumbs.

New Collection stuff

Collections are really cool and more people are starting to discover them. If you haven’t noticed yet, the default Collection overview page now accepts comments, ratings and all that good stuff. The most interesting part though is the embed code: Copy and paste this to your MySpace (or networking site / blog of your choice) and you have an instant slide slow of the media inside the collection! We’ve recently revampled this module to include more options and controls. Enjoy!