Friday, March 30, 2007

You've got thousands!

The last day of the month falls on a weekend this time around, so we just completed this month's monthly jackpot give-a-way! A few users got emails containing over $5,000 (wouldn't it be nice to receive an email saying you've won $6,000 US?), so check your mail and, if appropriate, celebrate... after all, it's Friday! We did pay out the first month of the Money Makers 10% cut, but we're expecting that to really kick in after all the Money Makers you invited had some time to earn some money on their own. Congratulations, everyone!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Monthly Jackpot Coming Soon!

We're getting ready to do the monthly payout in the coming days! There are certainly some big winners this time around, and this will be our first payout in which members will be getting extra money for all the friends they've invited. This will be the third Monthly Jackpot since relaunch and its our largest yet!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Spymac on TV (Again!)

Following our German TV appearance on RTL, here's a clip of us on the French (Canadian) station TQS! Very cool use of the FileSucker, TQS!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Homepage of the month!

We love all the great attention we're getting on TV, in magazines and around the Web. Today we found out that we were chosen as the "Homepage of the Month" by Photographie Magazine (Germany)! If you haven't noticed, we highlight some of what's being said about us right here on our blog. This isn't to brag or to show off (well, maybe it is a little...), it's mainly because these articles often provide more information about the site, our direction, and what's going on within our offices behind closed doors. You can learn a lot about us by reading the media mentions!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Where's an acceptance speech when you need one?

Thanks to Gianny for working with Paraguay-based artist Sergio Buzo to create a Spymac work of art (made from steel) that's on its way to our HQ. We'll display it proudly!

Keyboard shortcuts

You can login, search and edit your uploads all with simple key combinations! Read our new help page on the topic for more information, and send us an email if you have ideas for more key combinations you'd like to see!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Pro tip: Using the Use Menu

Many of you are just now discovering what we internally call the "Use Menu." The Use Menu used to be available everywhere you saw a little white hand icon, but today we've changed it to a more appropriate little triangle that more people understand. It contains handy (no pun intended!) ways to quickly add an item to your favorites, let's you email items to friends, and much more! It's also an easy way to preview an item and get more information about it before deciding whether or not you want to view it. Using it truly speeds up your Spymac experience and we recommend you give it a try -- it's addicting!

You can reach the Use Menu by clicking on the title bar (look for the small down arrow) of any item. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Earn 10% from all your friends!

We've launched a really cool initiative that helps you make money and rewards you for bringing your friends over -- You'll get 10% of everything your friends make! If one of your friends (that you invited) earns $5,000 one month, that's $500 in your pocket. Invite a lot of creative friends and this can really add up quickly. Visit for all the info you need!

Friday, March 9, 2007

Spymac plug-in for Wordpress!

Wordpress is a great place to blog, the only problem is that you can't embed Spymac videos into entries -- until now! Earlier this week, Martin Aberastegue released a free plugin that makes Wordpress compatible with Spymac and other popular video portals. Instructions are in Spanish, but installation is basic and easy. Thanks Martin!

Update: Martin was kind enough to send English instructions, enjoy:

The plugin is very simple to install and use, just upload it in the /wp-content/plugins folder, and activate it from the control panel.
If you want to insert a Spymac video in a post, you just copy the ID of the media:


Copy the number 1859622, then go to the CODE tab on your post editor and paste the number with the WP-Vidz tag:


Some people ask me why the plugin doesn't work? There is a common error, some people insert the code in the WYSIWYG editor instead of the CODE editor.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Spymac in the news

Spymac was featured on Germany's RTL2 News today! Jackpot winner Jafeth was interviewed in this video clip of the broadcast.

Get it, got it, good!

Big and small, Spymac members are happy to post pictures of the checks they've received in the mail for the money they made for their popular uploads!

Spymac on TV

Spymac will be on RTL2 (Germany) in one hour (8pm German time) -- catch it if you can!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

And we love you, too!

You've got money!

We just paid out the second monthly jackpot of over $60,000! Many members earned a few thousand this time around.. so if you open your mail and your jaw drops... congratulations! Isn't revenue-sharing fun?

Shake it!

Seems that Spymac users are in the mood to dance! Gianny's many popular dance clips are now being joined by videos featuring her friends, and also from long-time Spymac member mac_daddy1704.