Anonymous rating
With the arrival of the Top 100, ratings are now even more important. We received a lot of feedback from people who did not want to rate an upload accurately because of social/political reasons. Look at the five stars as being a thumbs up / thumbs down system, with just a few more choices in between for accuracy's sake.
Don't be afraid to give a full thumbs up to someone who deserves it, or likewise, a 1 or 2 star rating to an upload that you feel deserves it. The system only works if there is a wide spectrum of votes being cast. Remember though, always try to leave constructive feedback to let the uploader know how he/she can improve or continue to please.
Speaking of accuracy, rating stars can now detect fractions -- no more half or full stars. You can now have a 3 and a quarter star rating, for example. More to come soon, good luck!